Signs of the End
A Possible Parallel of 2007
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Written on the Feast of Tabernacles 2007—2007 years from Christ’s Birth

There have been visions by some and calculations by others concerning these last days. The calculations and subsequent calculations regarding Signs of the End brought a focus to the years of 2006 and 2007. Though I have had no visions, it seems that I have been led to many incredible calculations against astronomical odds of coincidence. Surely it seemed like an event was going to occur on them, but it did not. However, their nature alone makes them worthy as some warning for this day. Here it is the length of time from the birth of our Messiah and also from Adam that comes into play. This seems to be one of the significant reasons that is a part of the puzzle.
Dispensational Parallels
The year 2006 was a focal year. Noah died 2,006 years after Creation and we stood 2,006 years from Christ’s birth. Then it was determined that the anniversary start day of the Flood came exactly forty 360-day years after the regaining of the Temple Mount on June 7, 1967. Mercury did transit the sun on Heshvan 17, 2006 and with many other peculiarities noted. But if anything, this day pointed out the parallel of 2,006 years from Creation and also from Christ’s birth to AD 2006. The theme of Noah and 2,006 years were somehow important.
The interesting thing about Noah’s death is that it came two years before Abraham was born at 2,008 years from Creation. This then put 2,007 years as the dividing line from Creation to the conception of Abraham. Therefore, it can be said that before the time of Abraham, the times of the Gentiles equaled 2,007 years. Is it any wonder then that so many timelines and parallels popped up for our years of 2006 and 2007? Obviously the days were not tied directly to earth shaking events, but signified that the end was near and that there was a parallel to be considered for this time of 2006 and 2007.
In dividing biblical history by biblical chronology, the Age of the Gentiles before Abraham was 2,007 years. To then start the Abrahamic or Hebrew period, it would begin after the 2,007 years, but should continue until the time of Christ’s Crucifixion—not his birth. This distinction is said since currently we are at 2,007 years from Christ’s birth, but the real key would be His death and the beginning of the Church. This properly divides history in line with Daniel’s Seventy Weeks, of which it is 483 years completed with 7 years remaining.
Therefore, the many significant dates and timings of 2006 and 2007 are a tie in to the timing of Christ’s birth and the previous Time of the Gentiles (Adam to Noah). But what about shifting the time to Messiah’s point of being cut off after the 69th Week of Daniel? This of course requires an understanding of Daniel’s 70 Weeks and how it was 69 Weeks from the rebuilding of Jerusalem until Christ’s presentation on a colt during Palm Sunday. The exact time calculations involved the 360-day year and ran from 445 BC to AD 32. The year of AD 32 and 2,007 years later would seem to be the key. But wait a moment!
In completing the chronology in the book, it was determined that Creation was at 4005 BC with the Second Coming at AD 2017. This put the span of years at 6,021. Interestingly, that span can be divided into three parts of 2,007 years. Clearly the first part falls between Noah and Abraham, but the next part (minus the seven-year Tribulation, thus 2000 years) would come to when Christ was 3 years of age. Though interesting, it does not fall at the dividing time of the Jews and the Church on Pentecost AD 32. Or does it?
Daniel’s 70 Weeks were interrupted by the Church Age and Daniel’s 70 Weeks involved 360-day years. If Daniel’s 70th week does start in 2010, then from AD 32 to 2010 would be equal to 1,978 years. If converted to 360-day years, this comes to 2,007 years. More precisely, the time between Palm Sunday (April 6) and Rosh Hashanah 2010 would be 722,608 days, which is 2,007 years and 88 days (the remainder would be knocked down to 32 days if the clock starts on Pentecost). Therefore, with this conversion, both periods of history concerning the Gentiles would be 2,007 years. Incidentally, Rosh Hashanah by the sighted new moon will most likely fall on September 11th, 2010, which is also a Sabbath day that year.
However, by this conversion of the Church Age to 2,007 360-day years, it adds 29 years to the remaining portion of 2,007 years for the Hebrews. The total comes to 2,036 years from 1998 BC to AD 32 with the remaining seven years for the Tribulation. Though 2,036 years does not seem significant, there is still something to consider concerning the time.
Abraham would have been conceived at 2,007 completed years since Creation and born in the 2,008th year. However, Abraham was previously Abram and did not become Abraham until he was 75 years old at the time of the Abrahamic Covenant. This would have been 1922 BC—2,083 years from Creation. Therefore, from the Abrahamic Covenant until the end of Daniel’s 69 Weeks and the New Covenant in AD 32, the total time comes to 1,953 years. This with the seven year Tribulation yields a total of 1,960 years for the Hebrews from Covenant to the fulfillment of Covenant. This is equal to four times 490 or four times the seventy-week period! Or yet even better expressed, it comes to seven times 280—the number of human gestation.
The use of 490 years in the Bible for Israel is a reoccurring theme. Daniel’s 70 Weeks is one of them. The other clear example is 490 years from the coronation of King Saul to the Babylonian Captivity (1096-606 BC). Since Israel did not observe the Sabbath Year, their captivity lasted 70 years or one seventh of the 490 years in disobedience. Another example found is that it was 490 years from the dedication of the first temple in 1005 BC to the dedication of the rebuilt temple in 515 BC. These three are the clear examples. Therefore, with the four sequential periods totaling 1,960 years plus these three, it equals seven of these periods in Israel’s history.
However, there are also other examples of 490 years involving some subtractions. From Abraham’s birth to the Exodus was 505 years. If one subtracts the 15-year Hagar rebellion, it would come to 490 years. Also, there is also the clear timeline of 430 years from the Abrahamic Covenant to the Exodus. This is what helps determine the 505 years, since Abraham was 75 at the time of the Covenant.
The other example is that it was 560 years from the Temple’s first dedication (1005 BC) to the rebuilding of Jerusalem by Nehemiah (445 BC). By subtracting the 70-year captivity, the numbers come to 490 years. However, this seems redundant since the dedication period (1005 to 515 BC) is exact with simply another 70 years until 445 BC. In a way this period of 560 years is similar to the 560 years from Saul until the end of the Captivity. Similar since it is also 490 plus 70 years.
The point here is that 490 years is significant to Israel’s history with the final period of 490 years waiting to start its last seven years. That Israel’s history is expressed as a total of four of these periods is amazing. For those who have studied Clarence Larkin, he also had four 490-year periods for Israel, but with a different chronology that shifted the dates. But this chronology does not agree with the clear biblical text that breaks up the history of Israel in easy to understand manageable pieces. It is still interesting that he had a similar idea of four periods of 490 years. But as can be seen here, Israel’s history is 1,960 years with the 76 (1+75) years of Abraham making it 2,036 years.
The major point is that by making the Church Age 2,007 years like the time before Abraham, when it is all added together with the Hebrew period, it goes from 4005 BC to AD 2017 at 6,021 years. This can be divided by 2,007 three times. The questionable part is converting the Church Age to 2,007 360-day years from solar years. The 2,007 years makes perfect symmetry with the pre-Abrahamic Gentiles and it also makes sense since it divides Daniel’s 70th Week using a similar 360-day year. So it is symmetrical and yet consistent.
Therefore, the timelines of 2006 and 2007 showed the importance of the transition of Noah to Abraham. This parallel comes from comparing the Creation of Adam to Noah and Abraham’s time, then with the birth of Christ to this current time. So we stand at 2,007 years from His birth at the end of AD 2007, but in three years we will stand at 2,007 360-day years from His death, resurrection, and giving of the Holy Spirit. Three years that should demonstrate that time has about run its course for this dispensation of the Church, if it is symmetrical at 2,007.

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