Posted November 15, 2008
Instead of laying out what seems to be a new discovery in the timeline process, it seemed better to make a few hints to see if others would find the same discovery. It may also seem more significant for others to work and discover it on their own. It also seemed appropriate to start this contest on Heshvan 17--the day that began the 40 days and 40 nights of rain and the day the nations are now meeting over the economic crisis.
On November 13, 2008, I was confronted with a number that related to the discovered days of Noah.
It appeared that the minutes in a day were the key from the head down to the toes.
The first three people with a clear solution via e-mail will receive a free copy of Signs of the End (2008 version) shipped to them or as a gift for another by their request. The contest will last 40 days or until three winners are declared. At such time the winning responses and my analysis will be posted via e-mail announcement and on the webpage.
The best reward will be the solution.
May God bless your search,
Daniel Matson
To explain the contest better without being so enigmatic, yet without giving it away, I will try to explain my personal approach to this finding.
In the weeks previous I had found that Yom Kippur 2008 fell at 700 days from the day of Noah in 2006 (Heshvan 17November 8) and that 700 more days came to the Feast of Trumpets 2010. Realizing that another day of Noah would come 40 days after Trumpets, this brought the total count to 1,440 days. This was one tenth of 14,400 days, which was the span from the taking of Jerusalem in the Six-Day-War on June 7, 1967 until November 8, 2006 (Heshvan 17). The Six-Day-War had been determined to be 2,520 360-day years from the end of the 70 years of desolations caused by the Babylonians. It is a sequence of deliberate and calculated timelines. Please review the articles and home page for more information for clarification.
The point though was this interesting period of 1,440 days.
On November 13, 2008 I was doing something unrelated to the book and I noticed how 1,440 is the minutes of one day. Unaware of this until now and over the past month, it struck me as an interesting parallel.
It is then that I went to the calculator immediately.
What if the days were like the minutes in one "day"? And then
It, like many other findings, came quickly as the light came on.
Even the day this happened proved to be significant in another similar count.
This was more information than I had at the time. If no one arrives at the conclusion before 40 days, it will be posted at the conclusion of the contest. The significance of the finding deserves some attempt by others to experience the finding for themselves and see that things like this cannot be made up or forced to fit.
New hint - Posted 11-20-2008
With the discovery of 1,440 days from the day of Noah in 2006 to another day of Noah in 2010, it seemed that a final piece of the puzzle was put into place confirming the 2010 to 2017 hypothesis for the 70th Week. But there was another aspect to the 1,440 days that had gone unnoticed. The length of a day is 24 hours and at 60 minutes an hour, that equals 1,440 minutes per day. Therefore, the minutes of a day were equal to this same period. That is interesting.
So this begged the question that if 1,440 days were represented as minutes in a day, what could be discovered by counting these periods of days? The 14,400 days from June 7, 1967 to November 8, 2006 (Heshvan 17) would then be ten days. Then the following segment of 1,440 days to October 18, 2010 (Heshvan 10) would be another day bringing the total to eleven days. But if the full timeline in view also accounts for the days since the Babylonian Captivity as had been discovered in the first chapter of the book, what is further revealed?