SIGNS of the END


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PROLOGUE ……………………..……..…….............….….……........6
1 What will be the Signs?……….……...........…..............…….…10
2 Watch and be Ready……………………………...................……27
3 Connecting the Dots……............….….....……………….……...40
4 The Floodgates Open on a Day of Noah ……................…...…51
5 Correlations of Noah and the End Time…….........…..……......65
6 Signs in the Heavens …..…..........…….……….….……......…..73
7 In the Twinkling of an Eye.…...….............……….….….……...79
8 The Teshuvah Correlation and the Days of Awe …............….96
9 The Sign for Hezekiah on the Sundial of Ahaz…...............…106
10 The Sequence of Upcoming Events …………...............……120
11 The Importance and Urgency of the Time…...................…129
EPILOGUE ……..............………………………………........……...133
A The Answer of Jesus ………….……........…............….….……135
B 360 Days and 365.2422 Days to a Year …..........…..…........141
C The Jewish Calendar……............……...…….........…………..144
D The Gregorian Calendar ……….........…..….…..............…….147
E Cutting Short the Days ……........……..….…................…….149
The Times of the Gentiles ……………….....…….........……..……154
The Times of Destruction……………………………….............….155
The Times of Return …….........……....………….…………...…...156
The Times of Jerusalem…………….............……….....….…..….157
Parallels of Judgment and Restoration ………........…...…..…..158
The Days of Daniel and the Great Tribulation…….........…....…159
The Parallels of World War I ………….....…..........………………160
The Parallels of 40 and Biblical Years ………...…..........……….161
A Parallelogram of Time …………………..………………............162
From Creation to the Abrahamic Covenant …………........…...163
Chronology from Abraham to the Babylonian Captivity..........164
The Time of Jesus Christ ………………................………….…...165
The War of Ezekiel ……………………..................……..…………166
Opening Events …………………………..…….....................……167
Comet Communication ………........………………………........…168
Correlation of Daniel’s 70th Week ………..................…….……169
Correlation of the Flood or of Mankind’s Struggle….............…170
2,520 Years in the Land of Israel ……............………………..…171
The Times of Zionism…….…………..………..............…..………172
The Sign of the Crossing Comets in the Heavens …….....….…173
Passover – April 11th – Connections …………..............……….174
Conjunction Function ….......….……………………..............…..175
7 Days, 7 Lights, 7 Millennia ………................……………..……176
After Two Days …………………………...……...........………...….177
2003 vs. 2006 …………….........…..........……………………….…178
The Season of Repentance—Teshuvah…..…………….....………179
The Teshuvah Correlation of Forty ………………………......……180
The Noahic Correlations of Forty ……………….......…………..…181
Ahaz’s Sundial and Hezekiah’s Sign in Chronology..………..….182
The Connection of Forty with Hezekiah’s Sign on the Sundial..183
Ten Degrees of Separation until Jesus the Messiah ………......184
The Correlation and Connection of Forty……...…………..……..185
The Various Stages of Birth Pains ……….……………………......186
The Time of Jacob’s Trouble ………..……...………………..……..187
The Seven Feasts of Israel …………………….……………...…....188
Modern and Projected Dates ……..……………………..…..……..190
Jewish Calendar of Possible Years……………...……………....…191
If there were a book to change our perspective and priorities, I believe it is what follows on these pages. It contains discoveries that have presented themselves time and time again as this study progressed. It has been the spiritual experience of a lifetime to uncover what is discovered in this book. This is not a book to fill the shelves already full of books, but to share real discoveries that sound the alarm that time has about run its course. It is not based on feeling, but rather on Scripture and historical evidence. Many in the Christian community are looking for a revival and, if anything, this is the revival material needed to cause change.
It all began about fifteen years ago when a pastor friend opened up a book by Clarence Larkin called Dispensational Truth. Larkin’s diagramming of God’s Word was inspirational, along with the fact that his diagramming of past and future events according to time cycles seemed to suggest a foreseen time for the end of the current age. Things like this though were not discussed at church. It was taboo. From then on, however, a variety of prophetic books were studied in search of more answers because complete understanding seemed like it was not yet attained and therefore there was room for discovery.
The late 1980’s and 1990’s saw a surge of apocalyptic books and some predicted dates, but those dates came and went. After the year 2000, it seemed people had their fill of prophecy and the models of the predictors were scrapped, as was even prophecy itself. Even with the occurrence of September 11th, it seemed like few wanted to know how close they were to the Lord’s return or where they were at in history. It was back to business as usual. Any anticipation of Christ’s return seemed to have evaporated.
The time though had come for a reevaluation. Many hours had been spent contemplating, but the first breakthrough would come in March of 2002. More time would be spent then looking at modern events and looking for a connection to the future. Once the first piece of the puzzle was placed, the other pieces were placed and fit together seamlessly. When patterns were seen, they were applied similarly with equal success. Therefore, sometimes the equation was hypothesized, but it was not known if it really would equate. When it proved equal again and again, it seemed time to write it all down to pass it along to others because it could not be coincidental. There are many books on prophecy, but here it is believed that this book is unique and eye opening. If that were not the case, it would not have been written.
As it stands now, this book is short, to the point, and has many charts to help in the process of communication. The problem though is that it can be read too quickly without the chance to let the gravity of the subject matter take its effect. As with anything, one needs to work through it, checking on all of the correlations, calculations, and of course Scripture. After the many discoveries, it has been convincing because all of the intricacies have been worked through with harmony and precision.
This book has been a process, because previously it seemed that the Rapture or the removal of the Church to heaven could have possibly occurred this last year. At first there seemed to be factors that pointed to 2003 as a possible choice, but there was still another option on the table. After the passing of 2003, it has solidified the calculations and has opened up even new discoveries. It is in the end almost unbelievable.
However, please do not skim through the book to find out what dates are listed, for it would be a great disservice to oneself to do so. It had been considered not to include dates to avoid this, but that would have not been possible with the nature of the material. However, to only come away with a date without a full understanding of why it is so, will shortchange the edification of one’s soul and limit our competent sharing with others. Again it must be stressed that the book needs to be read in its entirety to fully grasp the importance of what is being said.
People have asked, what is the use of this study if it is just a theory that cannot be proven until we are gone from the Earth? That is like saying that there is no importance to studying Bible prophecy. If that is the case, twenty-eight percent of the Bible could be surgically removed. Clearly this is not God’s intent. God’s intent for us is to study His Word with the best of our ability so we can live it, share it with others, and understand the times in which we live. To truly discover something and not to share it with others would run counter to my duties as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The challenge then, is a call to communicate God’s truth to a world in darkness that teeters on the brink of destruction. It is time to tell people the gospel of Christ and of his coming Kingdom. It is time to reach out and it is time to learn to reach out better. It is time to be challenged and have our perception of the future examined.
For those who do not know Christ it is time to believe in Jesus as the one who has saved us from the penalty of sin. He died for all sin so that we might enter into fellowship with God, but we must humbly accept that gift. This is the simplicity of the gospel. God has done it all so that we have no room for boasting or additional things we might do. It all comes down to being humble and willing to accept that Jesus Christ died for us.
For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth to be a propitiation by his blood, through faith, to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forebearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, to demonstrate at the present time his righteousness, that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? No, but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law. (Romans 3:23-28)
For those who have believed, it is time to ensure a pure heart and an eagerness to learn about what God is going to do. The battle wages on and it is time to become better equipped to do the work God has set before us. Jesus Christ is about to knock on the door. . .

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